Identifying Potentially Corrupt Matches
We focus on identifying potentially corrupt matches. Our highly qualified tech team studies the variations in betting values vis a vis progress of match during the live streaming of the match. Abnormal fluctuations in betting values(by analyzing the betting sites) are identified by observing breaches of pre-fixed threshold. Such breaches are recorded as ‘potential corrupt matches or actions(PCM)’. Subsequently, to draw reliable inferences, Integrity Sherpas Coordination team further corroborates them with the intelligence collected from other multiple reliable sources.
Our data crunchers sift through millions of data points a day, but it’s the human touch that puts us ahead of the pack. Our team of expert analysts investigate the context of every alert from the Virtual Dugout (VD).
Human intel collection through Contacts/Sources is our strongest instrument to address problems of different stakeholders. Presence of a highly qualified and experienced Intel collection team(who have worked with different govt agencies as well as international corporate bodies) gives the edge and push to Integrity Sherpas. Their track record speaks for itself.